national outreach event
Spain - Santiago de Compostela
University of Vigo

Public Event - Spain - Santiago de Compostela

The Path to Climate Neutrality: Reflections from Galicia and Europe

This event brought together public and private sector stakeholders to discuss strategies for achieving climate neutrality in Galicia and Europe, featuring key insights from the 4i-TRACTION project and EU climate policy experts.

On September 10, 2024, the event The Path to Climate Neutrality: Reflections from Galicia and Europe took place in Santiago de Compostela, organized by ECOBAS and the REDE group as part of the European H2020 4I-Traction project. This event brought together over 40 key representatives from both the public and private sectors to discuss the path toward a climate-neutral Europe and the necessary transition strategies for Galicia and Spain.

Paula Mª Uría Traba, Director General of Renewable Energies and Climate Change for the Xunta de Galicia, inaugurated the event. Following this, Beatriz Yordi, Director of Carbon Markets and Clean Mobility at the European Commission, outlined the main advances and key lines of climate policy for the coming years from a European perspective. She highlighted the risks of maintaining the dependence on fossil fuels. Next, REDE researcher Pol Fontanet presented the main results of the 4I-Traction project, outlining the main perspectives and recommendations from the project to advance towards transformative climate policies through innovation, investments, infrastructure, and sectoral integration. Finally, the roundtable "Policies to Change Course," moderated by REDE group researcher Xavier Labandeira, fostered a rich exchange of ideas. Participants included Beatriz Yordi; Oriol Sarmiento, Manager of the Clúster of Renewable Energies of Galicia; and Jacobo Aboal, Director of the Galician Forestry Agency (XERA). This panel addressed key policies to achieve climate neutrality within the context of Galicia’s energy and economic transition. The event concluded with remarks by ECOBAS Scientific Director María L. Loureiro and the Secretary General of the Economic Coordination Office of the Xunta de Galicia, Juan Carlos Reboredo. After the event a networking space for the attendees was provided, reinforcing the joint commitment of different sectors in the fight against climate change.

Link to the event programme:

Link to the recording of the event: (forthcoming)