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Community of Experts Coffee Hour #4: Aligning finance with climate neutrality via mandatory bank transition plans
The fourth Community of Experts Hour focused on the question how mandatory transition plans for banks can contribute to aligning investment and the financial system with climate neutrality.
The legislators in Europe are currently discussing the introduction of mandatory climate transition plans for banks and trilogue negotiations will begin soon. While all three bodies seem to agree on the idea itself, differences remain in how these plans are defined. Under the 4i-Traction project, the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE) has worked on an ex-ante impact study to better understand what changes the integration of mandatory transition plans in prudential regulation could bring about, if these were defined in an ambitious way.
The Community discussed the main findings of the study with Anuschka Hilke, the Director of the research programme on financial institutions at I4CE. Moreover, research results and related insights made under the EU LIFE funded Finance ClimAct project on transition planning at company, sector, and national level were under debate.