Invite-Only - Brussels, DG CLIMA
Lunchtime Conference: Exploring Policy Avenues for the European Green Deal Post-Election
This event was organised for policymakers from DG CLIMA and DG ENV, providing a platform for the dissemination of results from the 4i-TRACTION project and facilitating insightful discussions between partners of the research consortium and policy experts.
On July 11, partners from the 4i-TRACTION consortium presented key findings at a lunchtime conference for experts at DG CLIMA and DG ENV in Brussels. The focus was set on transformative EU climate policy in the cross-sectoral areas of innovation, investment, infrastructure, and integration. An analysis of four distinct policy avenues, each following a distinct policy paradigm, was presented and the feasibility of these avenues was discussed in light of recent shifts in the EU Parliament and party preferences. The conference commenced with an open discussion centered on evaluating the presented four policy avenues for EU climate neutrality, considering their social implications and the influence of an evolving international landscape.
Download the slides here.
Related outputs:
- Policy Brief: Which policy mix should lead the EU to climate neutrality? - An Assessment of 4 Policy Avenues
- Policy Brief: Towards Transformative EU Climate Policy - 10 Recommendations from the 4i-TRACTION Project