Public Event - World Conference Center Bonn - Room: Berlin
UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference Side Event: Moving towards transformative climate policy
A Side Event at the Bonn Climate Change Conference (SB60) by Ecologic Institute with project partner VUB on transformative climate policy.
To achieve climate neutrality by 2050, EU policy will have to be reoriented – from incremental towards structural change. As expressed in the European Green Deal, the challenge is to initiate the necessary transformation to climate neutrality in the coming years, while enhancing competitiveness, productivity, and employment.
Based on extensive analysis of the EU’s existing climate policy instruments and governance in the 4i-TRACTION project our consortium has identified transformation challenges and gaps across the areas of innovation, investment, infrastructure, and integration. With a EU legislative cycle starting this summer, the EU has the chance to close these gaps and help all relevant sectors get to a path to climate neutrality.
At this side event Sebastian Oberthür from VUB and Flora Dicke from Ecologic Institute presented key insights and policy recommendations for closing the policy gaps and, moderated by Matthias Duwe (Ecologic Institute) discussed them with panelists Peter Wittoeck (Head of delegation, Belgium, EU Presidency) and Sven Harmeling (Head of Climate, Climate Action Network Europe) to gather an outside perspective and identify commonalities and differences in the challenges and potential policy solutions.