Infographic: The EU's 2040 Emissions Reduction Target
This infographic provides an evaluation of the EU Commission's recommendation for the 2040 emissions reduction target, set against the backdrop of the 4i-TRACTION modelling of 1.5°C compatible pathways.
On 6th February 2024 the European Commission published a communication with it's recommendation on the 2040 emissions reduction target. Against the backdrop of 4i-TRACTION modelling of 1.5°C compatible pathways for the EU27, the 2030 target and the ESABCC's recommendations we recommend aiming for a 95% reduction in 2040.
Find the infographic for download in different languages in the left margin.
Read more about 1.5°C compatible emissions pathways for the EU27 in our report "Transformative Change for 1.5°C: Identifying Paris-compatible Landing Zones for the Energy System of the EU27 and Selected Member States" and our policy brief "How Can the EU Transform Its Economy to Meet the 1.5°C Goal?"